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Determining Your Prakruti - Test 1 - Part 1

This test will determine your Ayurvedic Dosha based on the answers you supply. Each set of questions has three options. You should select the best option that describes you. You can only select one out of the three. To select an item, click on the button to the left of the selection. If you want to choose another selection, click on that button. (The latest selection only counts.)

After you complete the questionnaire, click on the button marked Done.


  1. I am
    Flexible, optimistic
    Ambitious, practical, intense
    Calm, peaceful, solicitous
  2. I consider myself as:
    Lively, intuitive,
    Motivated, perceptive, warm
    Resilient, content, loyal, slow
  3. My acquaintances describe me as:
    Enthusiastic, changeable
    Friendly, independent, courageous, discriminating
    Deliberate, relaxed, compassionate
  4. My friends describe me as:
    An initiator
    A good leader, goal-oriented, competitive
    Patient, nurturing, stable
  5. My memory is
    Quick to remember-and to forget. (Best in the short term)
    Average, clear, distinct (Good overall)
    Slow to remember and to forget (Best in the long term)
  6. My thinking style is
    Restless, quick
    Organized, efficient, accurate
    Slow, methodical, exacting
  7. I process information
    At medium speed
  8. My creativity level is
    Filled with ideas, but tends to follow through poorly
    Inventive in many areas, with good follow-through
    Best in the field of business
  9. Under stress I become
    Anxious, insecure, tense, and sigh and hyperventilate
    Aggressive, angry, irritable, headachy, nauseated
    Lethargic, dull, in denial
  10. I dream of
    Activity, running, flying, frightening things
    Violence, fire, anger, passion, the sun
    Romance, sentimentality, water and snow
  11. My speech pattern is
    Fast, talkative (Quick, often imaginative or excessive)
    Precise, convincing (Clear, precise, detailed, well-organized)
    Slow, monotoned, melodic (Soothing, rich with moments of silence)
  12. My voice sounds
    High pitched, fast, dissonant, weeping
    Medium pitched, sharp, laughing
    Low pitched, melodious, slow, monotone, pleasant, deep
  13. My lifestyle is
    Highly active
    Rather inactive
  14. My spending habits are
    Wasteful, can't save, throw money away on trifles
    Moderate, can save, but spend money on luxuries
    Thrifty, accumulate wealth but spend money on food
  15. My sex drive is
    Frequent, either in very high or very low gear
    Moderate frequency, but passionate and domineering
    Infrequent, constant or cyclic, loyal and devoted
  16. Regarding temperature and weather:
    I dislike weather that is cold, windy, dry. I am comfortable in the heat.
    I dislike weather that is hot, with strong sun. I perspire easily. I thrive in winter.
    I dislike weather that is cool and damp. I tolerate extremes well.

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